Monday 2 November 2009

Images of new has been updated with a new news story called Images of new .

TheArker has posted images of two new upcoming Transformers released.  The first is of Transformers Animated Activators Armor Up Optimus Prime­. This redeco­ of Activator Optimus Prime uses a colour scheme based from the Japanese Star Convoy figure can be see here.  He\'s new bio says \"In preparation for a massed attack on the Decepticons, Optimus Prime orders his autobots to upgrade their armor. Working with Autobot Ratchet, he mounts improved armor plating on his frame, giving him the toughness he needs to withstand even the most powerful fusion blast.\"

Next up is a Transformers Revenge of the Fallen two-pack form the N.E.S.T. Global Alliance wave.  The set is Battlefield Bumblebee vs. Infiltration Soundwave­. You can view the images here.­

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