Saturday 13 February 2010

News from the US Toy Fair has been updated with a new news story called News from the US Toy Fair.

The US Toy Fair is on at the moment with the same figures on display that were shown at both the British and Nurnberg Toy Fairs, the main difference is that the US one normally allows photographs as well as being easier for non-toy trade people to get in.

The are in attendance and have been tweeting away with some information on what is going on, so here is a summary

Transformers: Hunt For The Decepticons (subline)
Legends class Ravage, Rampage, Sandstorm (a Beachcomber repaint), Hubcap (a 1950s roadster), Brimstone (a green with blue flames chopper styled motorcycle), Insecticon (the bug from Revenge of the Fallen that went looking for Sam).
Battle blade Bumblebee, a deluxe size toy with a new mold.
Jetblade, a blue and white repaint of Dirge
A new Sideswipe with red flames on the bonnet.
Hailstorm, a missile charrier with 8 firing missiles.
Elita-1 (the third \"arcee\" motorcycle).  Instructions will be released online to say how to combine them).
Forest Battle Optimus Prime.  Has battle damage and comes with hoos on his hands.
Battle Ops Bumblebee is actually 2 inches taller than the leader class figure.
Human Alliance Jazz with Lennox.  Jazz\'s gun turns into a motorcycle for Lennox to use.

\"Transformers Generations\" is the new name for Universe, i.e a line of deluxes that they can thrown anything into.
First up its announced that the Henkei Thrust toy will be released in that line.
A triple changer called Darkmount is the second \"Generations\" toy. He was originally to be called Straxus but they couldn\'t register the name.  He\'s big, blue, with an axe.  According to the Allspark, his head is spot on.

Power Core Combiner news
The 5 pack is called Bombshock but with a group name of the Combaticons, no names were shown but there was a tank and missile launcher.
The scout figures from the two packs can replace the 5 pack torso in the combination.
Leadfoot somes with Pinpoint.
The Aerialbots are called Skyburst.
There is an Autobot race car team as well as Constructicons.

Masterpiece Grimlock will be release in the original Japanese colour scheme, but with the crown from the 2nd release.

The SDCC exclusive will be Blaster with Steeljaw, Ramhorn and Eject

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