Wednesday 21 July 2010

Problem with Power Core Combiner Conbaticons has been updated with a new news story called Problem with Power Core Combiner Conbaticons.

Many thanks to Adam for pointing out a bug, and his fix, for the Transformers Power Core Combiners Combaticons figures - in which the toys legs pop off.

 Hello TF@The Moon,

I\'d like to report a problem with the Power Core Combiners sets [or at least the Combaticons], and the resultant fix. I haven\'t heard of this from anyone else, so perhaps it\'s just early days, or perhaps my toy was unique in it\'s fault.

With my Bombshock, I found that his combiner legs would spring off very easily, in fact, while he was being held [or even standing on his own!] his legs would slowly ease apart at the knee and the combiner drone would shoot off. This is due to the springs in the \'leg drones\' being way too powerful, and the blue joint being too loose. Here\'s my fix:

With the grey tracked vehicle, the spring is visible towards the rear end. Simply get a drawing pin or sewing needle, and ease the arm of the spring away from the inside wall of the vehicle. The arm can then be folded away or cut off with clippers.

The yellow jeep is a bit more complex. The two pins at the front end need to be tapped out. I did this [again] with a drawing pin and a hammer. The second pin can be tapped out with the first one. This will cause the levers inside to fall down, and the spring with come out. To re-assemble, simply push the pins back inside, making sure that the black lever lines up again [easier than it sounds!].

The legs will no longer be spring loaded, but gravity and the internal levers do the job just as well, if not better! They still won\'t take much pulling around, as the blue pegs are simply too loose, but the won\'t come shooting off at the slightest touch.

I hope this helps anybody who\'s had a similar problem!

PS: Deluxe Generations were found in my Exeter Toymaster yesterday, priced at £9.99! Mistake, or new price point?



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