Wednesday 1 September 2010

Transformers 3 has $400 million budget an rising plus news on Hardcore Eddie has been updated with a new news story called Transformers 3 has $400 million budget an rising plus news on Hardcore Eddie. has revealed some details on the new Transformers 3 human character Hardcore Eddie played by Lester Speight.

\"Tell us about your role in the upcoming “Transformers 3″?

Lester Speight : I am not sure if you know but “Transformers 3″ has just eclipsed “Titanic” as the largest budgeted film ever. $400 million and still going north! We are totally taking over downtown Chicago. The city is buzzing and it is crazy around here. I play Hardcore Eddie. Tyrese’s character Robert Epps calls me in. I was in a war with his father. I always told his dad I would look out for him and watch his back. I am doing all the heavy shooting, rocket launchers and kicking ass. Hardcore Eddie is old school soldier who has seen it all and done it all. I am just kicking ass and blowing up shit. Michael (Bay) just created such a great character.\"

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