Tuesday 19 October 2010

Shane McCarthy shares Drfit script

TransformerToys.co.uk has been updated with a new news story called Shane McCarthy shares Drfit script.

Shane McCarthy has updated his blog with an entry that contains an RTF download of the Drift script which gives everyone a look at how the first issue of the Drift mini-series was presented to the artists.

I get a lot of questions regarding how I go about writing and specifically how I lay out my scripts.  I figured it was time to post one up to make it easier to see how I go about it all…Maybe down the track I’ll post up how I get to full script in more detail but for now I’ll just say I follow the usual path of basic idea…outline…beatsheet…full script.

I’ve chosen the script from TRANSFORMERS: DRIFT #1.  I write my scripts in Final Draft but I present it here in Rich Text format to make it more accessible.



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