Friday 12 November 2010

Daily Record reports backlash over Transformers Power Core Combiner name has been updated with a new news story called Daily Record reports backlash over Transformers Power Core Combiner name.

Scottish Newspaper The Daily Record has posted an article about the backlash caused by the recent announcement of a name of an upcoming Power Core Combiner figure.  The figure called Spastic has caused backlash from UK based fans due to the derogatory and offensive meaning often used with the name that was originally used to describe someone with spastic paralysis.

This isn\'t the first time a Transformers name has caused trouble within the UK. In the past Slapper, Erector and, most thought off, Slag  have all lead to debates.  Hasbro were actually so concerned over the name Slag that they changed the Transformers Animated character from Slag to Snarl just because of the UK market (as confirmed by Derrick J Wyatt at Auto Assembly 2010).

UK fans need not fear that much though, the chances of the figure being released over here is slim anyway.

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