Tuesday 21 December 2010

Transformers Generations 2010 United Comic Translated

TransformerToys.co.uk has been updated with a new news story called Transformers Generations 2010 United Comic Translated.

The Allspark have posted a translation of the manga (comic) that came with the Transformers 2010 Generations book.  Here is a copy of their announcement.

\"Thanks to Allspark members Powered Convoy, lonegamer8, DrSpengler, NightViper, and Meister79 we now have a translated version of the United Manga (Comic) included within the pages of Generations 2010 book.  This manga is written and illustrated by Naoto Tsushima.You can view the manga in low res page 1 and page 2, and in high res page 1 and page 2.\"

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