Tuesday 18 January 2011

Transformers Cybertron (Galaxy Force) Scouts to be re-released under Transformers Generations

TransformerToys.co.uk has been updated with a new news story called Transformers Cybertron (Galaxy Force) Scouts to be re-released under Transformers Generations.

The Allspark.com report that there are \"three new auctions have appeared on Asian auction site TaoBao.com. Three auctions for repackaged Cybertron Scouts on Generations packaging (Like the Mini-Cons before them, the card backs do not actually say \"Generations\", however they are the same red as the Generations card backs, and not the yellow of Hunt for the Decepticons or Reveal the Shield). The auctions are for Undermine, Wreckloose, and Backstop.

For those of you that may not think this newsworthy, as these toys have had multiple card backs before, a closer look at Backstop may be in order. Instead of purple and mustard, the toy is now gray and blue!


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