Tuesday 5 July 2011

Fan Sales Table Returns To Auto Assembly 2011

TransformerToys.co.uk has been updated with a new news story called Fan Sales Table Returns To Auto Assembly 2011.

The Auto Assembly team have sent out another press release this evening

Fan Sales Table Returns To Auto Assembly 2011!

A surprise hit at Auto Assembly 2010, we are proud to announce that we are bringing the Fan Sales Table back to Auto Assembly 2011 but better than ever. If you have any unwanted Transformers that you want to sell but are tired of spending hours listing them on ebay, then this is for you...
Once again, we\'ll have this sales table set up for all attendees to bring their unwanted toys, comics and other TF and non-TF items to be sold on their behalf all weekend. Just drop them off, name your selling price, and let us do the rest! All we ask for is a small 10% commission which goes towards the convention funds and that\'s it! There\'s no minimum or maximum limit to the number of items you can bring to sell and you can collect your money or unsold items at any time during the convention.
Last year we had an incredible range of items - G1, Animated, Cybertron, BinalTech, Beast Wars, and loads more and plenty of DVDs, comics, books, video games... something for everyone. We already have some items confirmed for the table with more being added daily and you can get your items pre-listed now by visiting the Auto Assembly website and downloading the list and information pack.
Ticket sales for the convention are doing great right now and we\'re on track for this to be another huge success. Over the next two weeks we will be making a lot of announcements about the convention so stay tuned as we enter the final pre-convention rush so get your tickets now if you haven\'t already before everyone else decides to!
The convention is taking place over the weekend of 12th - 14th August 2011 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England and tickets are available from the website now. For more details on the convention, to see a full list of all the guests and activities taking place over the weekend, or to book your tickets, visit the website at www.autoassembly.org.uk

We hope to see you all in August!

The Auto Assembly 2011 Team

Web: www.autoassembly.org.uk
Youtube: www.youtube.com/autoassembly
Twitter: www.twitter.com/auto_assembly
Forum: http://autoassembly.proboards.com
Email: autoassembly@aol.com
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

Auto Assembly 2011 is sponsored by

Toyz And Gamez - www.toyzandgamez.co.uk
Science Fiction Collectables - www.sf-collectables.co.uk
Big Bad Toy Store - www.bbts.com
Xyber Toys - www.xybertoys.com
Moonbase 2 Podcast - http://moonbase2.libsyn.com

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