Wednesday 7 September 2011

BotCon 2012 toy hints has been updated with a new news story called BotCon 2012 toy hints.

The official Botcon Twitter has been busy, sending out tweat after tweat on the 2012 set. The short version is that the mockups for the set are done and looking very good in the opinion of Fun Publications, that three of the toys in the set are seeing their first updates ever, and that for two, they have drawn on the \"distant\" past.

 Two things we confirmed, it\'s not Transformers Animated themed, and it\'s not Trailbreaker, Gears or Brawn.

The distant pastfits in with the rumour we had been told regarding the set.  A rumour we think is cool and will be very popular to a small select group, though we are not sure how the larger community would feel.

Below are their tweets

Oh, no, as SOON as we get everything finalized with the PTB and locked up we will announce.

NOBODY wants the locale and date announced more than us. We are working on it every day... LOTS of factors involved.

Read on to view the original text of all the tweats involved!

The 2012 BotCon Convention Set mock ups are done, and they are absolutely amazing! We have went all out...

And if you are an 80\'s fan, one character will be the MUST HAVE Transformer of the year!

Start saving... Attending or not, as a whole, this may be the best set we have ever done. Def in top 3 based on concept/mock ups

@mrlumptastic Top 3? 2006, 2011 and 2012... Other sets had good unique pieces, but maybe one feel flat here or there.

@mrlumptastic Really don\'t think there is a bad piece in the 2012 set. Every one of them would make a great stand alone piece.

Now for the hint(s)... Three are seeing their first updates ever, and what an update(s) it is!

For two of them, we have drawn upon the \"distant\" past... what that means will be known soon enough!

@GeneralTekno We are not doing TFA for 2012...

Trailbreaker, Gears and Brawn...

are NOT being done by us.

They need the good ol\' Hasbro Classics treatment first and foremost... We\'ll take care of some of the other, equally awesome characters!

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