Tuesday 20 December 2011

Hasbro Factory Jet Fair slammed in damning report concerning working conditions

TransformerToys.co.uk has been updated with a new news story called Hasbro Factory Jet Fair slammed in damning report concerning working conditions.

A Chinese factory called Jet Fair has been slammed in a damning report published by GlobalLabourRights.org.  The 34-page PDF file, available to download here, covers conditions at the factory that produced Hasbro products including the Transformers: Prime figures.

The GLR group focus on the factories Transformers output even though it is not an Hasbro owned factory, and suggests that workers at the factory are body searched three times a day to try to stop goods from being smuggled out of the plant.

It is certainly an interesting reading into what is sadly common place still within Chinese factories when it comes to pay and working conditions.

Our thanks go out to Blueshift of ­Transmasters UK for the link to the article.

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