Monday 12 March 2012 has been updated with a new news story called Lack of Roll Our Roll Call 2012 coverage.

We'd like to apologise for the lack of coverage of Roll Out Roll Call. Out plans were to add on news live regarding the Mastermind Creations Nova Prime, Thundercracker and Skywarp figures, along with confimation that Ultra Magnus will feature in Regeneration, Bludgeon returns, the Seacons return and that "some characters will return, but not how you think of them" .. but my mobile dongle couldn't get a decent connection to the site.

Here is a very quick summary.

Mastermind Creations

  • Cyclops was on show. Anyone wondering about the build quality, don't.  It's 100x better then the Night Morpher Prime toys.
  • The figures for 2012 are
    • Hexitron (3 versions)
    • Screech (Hearts of Steel Starscream)
    • Warper (Hearts of Steel Skywarp)
    • Screamer  (Hearts of Steel Thundercracker)
    • Nova Prime (with trailer for small robot and combined form)

Transformers Regeneration

  • Characters designed to look like you remember them, not to look exactly like they did
  • Some characters have been "repaired"
  • Soundwave will appear Purple in flashbacks, but Blue in "current" day
  • Seacons will be in it
  • Ultra Magnus will make his US debut in the "original universe"
  • Bludgeon will return
  • Octopunch - "some characters will return, but will have changed from how you remember them"
  • Nucleon will be in it, and resolve the outstanding issues (such as Grimlock not being able to Transform).  Looking at what impact is had on characters such as Blaster etc.  (aybe he'll turn Blue into Twincast??)
  • Cover for 81 features Megatron on a thrown saying "what took you?"

GI-Joe Character Book

  • Features character, vehicle and some backgrond art from Season One.  Current title is "GI-Joe Field Manual Volume 1".
  • More text then in the Transformers Ark Books, this contains Character Bios, information and "real life" statistics for the vehicles.
  • If it sells well then they may be a volume 2 -  Jim and Bill are already compiling information on a Season 2, movie and DIC
  • They'd love to do a GI-Joe Renegades book, though there is currently nothing planned

Action Force

  • Dave Tree showed off unreleased Action Force toys
  • Desgins and concepts of unreleased figures and vehicles were shown
  • Dave confirmed he is working on a book covering the history of Action Force, and including the unreleased material

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