Wednesday 1 June 2011

Botcon 2011 Coverage has been updated with a new news story called Botcon 2011 Coverage.

As always Transformers At The Moon will do our best to bring you the important coverage from this years Botcon. We will be in attendance at Botcon 2011 ourselves, so we will look to update the website with galleries and news from our travels as well as bringing you live news throughout the day using our own auto-updating scripts so you can just bookmark a news story and read all of the updates as they happen.

Like our coverage of other conventions in the past, we will also look to bring you round-ups of articles from around the world, ensuring that you can read all of the coverage from the event from as many sources and views as possible. 

Our non-competitive approach to news is something we have become well known for over the last 12 years and is something we are very proud of and, as such, we would like to remind you all that you can keep up-to-date by following our exclusive In The News section of the website that brings you the very latest headlines from many official and fan sites from around the world.   You may well find those sites report different news from areas of Botcon before us as this site is maintained by two people as a hobby as oppose to the staff that run most \"fan sites\" these days, so we can not cover everything that will be going on at once.

If you are attending Botcon yourself and you would like to say hello, we will not be difficult to spot. During the convention just look for a pair of mirror twins, if that is not enough of a give away, at some point we will both be wearing Auto Assembly committee T-shirts, which will be even more of a clue.

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