Tuesday 22 November 2011

Dealers tables allocations are going very quickly for Auto Assembly 2012

TransformerToys.co.uk has been updated with a new news story called Dealers tables allocations are going very quickly for Auto Assembly 2012 .

Dealers tables allocations are going very quickly for Auto Assembly 2012 and bookings for them are already close to that of Auto Assembly 2011! Tables are still available for dealers who are interested but you’ll need to book sooner rather than later to get the best spots in the hall! We will need to know how many tables you are interested in booking along with prompt payment so we can make sure we can fit you in! For those of you who are regular dealers who haven’t been in touch yet, please do not assume that we have automatically reserved space for you as tables will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

If you want to book table space at the convention, you can get the form here.

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