Tuesday 9 August 2011

Auto Assembly Statement Regarding Birmingham Unrest

TransformerToys.co.uk has been updated with a new news story called Auto Assembly Statement Regarding Birmingham Unrest.

Auto Assembly has sent out the following annoucement

Hi everyone,

In light of the recent, saddening news coming from various cities around the UK, the Auto Assembly Committee has been flooded with questions, as you might imagine. Our response has been purposefully delayed and carefully considered - we are sure you will understand that we are faced with a unique situation and we wanted to take the opportunity to consider every possible eventuality.

To anybody who doesn’t know, there have been reports of isolated pockets of civil unrest in Birmingham. West Midlands Police have confirmed they will have a very large Police presence on the streets tonight to ensure that they continue to calm the situation. Like everybody in the UK right now, we are thankful for the great job that the Officers are doing at present in such difficult circumstances.

Nevertheless, we are pleased to announce that as things stand, Auto Assembly 2011 will go ahead as planned... and friends...it is going to rock! As the song goes, “Nothing’s gonna stand in our way, not tonight!”

Now, we are keeping a constant eye on the news and on official Police press releases so, if this situation changes we promise we will make an announcement the second we find out. But rest assured, we have no intentions whatsoever of cancelling Europe’s biggest and best Transformers convention unless we are presented with absolutely no alternative. The show, as they say, must go on!

However - it is of the utmost importance that all our convention goers please bear a few things in mind to ensure that we all have a fantastic and most importantly, a safe convention this weekend.

1. Auto Assembly 2011 is still ON

2. Allow extra travelling time to and from the convention
3. Don\'t go out of the hotel alone. Try to stay in groups for safety.
4. Don\'t go out of the hotel after dark on your own
5. Keep valuables safe at all times
6. Be vigilant
7. Please look out for each other and be safe.

As we say, if for any reason the situation changes we will inform you as soon as we can, but at present Auto Assembly 2011 is ON!!!! We just need to take extra care in looking after each other this year Transformers fans.

Finally, remember that for those of you arriving in Birmingham one or two days early, you can pick up your passes on Thursday afternoon between 2:00 and 4:00 pm which will make your admission to the convention Much easier. Trish and Simon will be in the hotel bar on the second floor to do this but you must contact us in advance to let us know.

Anyway, we\'re looking forward to seeing you all in a few days.

The Auto Assembly Team

Auto Assembly 2011 - 12th - 14th August 2011.

The Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England

web -
forum - http://autoassembly.proboards.com
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Auto Assembly is sponsored by:

Toyz and Gamez -
Transformers @ The Moon - www.transformertoys.co.uk
TransformersAnimated.com - www.transformersanimated.com
Science Fiction Collectables - www.sf-collectables.co.uk
The Transformers.net - www.thetransformers.net
Titan Books - www.titanbooks.com
Big Bad Toy Store - www.bbts.com
Full Metal Hero - www.fullmetalhero.com
3 Darths Comics - www.3darths.co.uk
Hobby Link Japan - www.hlj.com
Robot Kingdom - www.robotkingdom.com
Xyber Toys - www.xybertoys.com
Moonbase 2 Podcast - http://moonbase2.libsyn.com

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