Thursday 25 August 2011

The Best of Transformers Comic-Magazine now on DeviantArt has been updated with a new news story called The Best of Transformers Comic-Magazine now on DeviantArt.

Our thanks go to Matt Marshall for pointing us to DeviantArt where he has uploaded a fanzine that was available at Auto Assembly called \"The \'Best\' of Transformers Comic-Magazin\" which showcases some previously ignored German Generation One comic stories.  Here\'s Matt\'s description.  \"The \'Best\' of Transformers Comic-Magazin\'. This showcases translated G1 stories from a German Transformers comic which was published from the later 80s to the early 90s. These are all official Transformers stories in their own strange G1 continuity, but have remained forgotten until now.

I\'m sure people will be interested in this, it\'s a whole original sub-continuity of G1 from the 80s which has gone unremarked upon until now. Who knows what else might be out there?\"

Who knows indeed, you can view the fanzine at

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